Thinning hair, regardless of the cause, can be frustrating for both men and women. But studies have shown that women take the stress more as compared […]
Hair loss is a traumatic experience and almost everyone gets affected by it. It can become worse by anxiety. Women’s self-esteem and confidence are very much […]
Over more than 7 million people, all around the world are affected by scalp psoriasis. This hair condition can range from mild to severe, causes itching, […]
Excessive hair loss is an alarming condition as it’s the signpost of any medical condition. Your hair loss can be triggered due to certain factors like […]
Medications help us in the maintaining our health. But at the same time, some medications can cause side effects and complications such as irritation, scarring, inflammation, […]
Common Reasons behind Hair Loss: There are numerous factors which can contribute in causing your hair loss, such as: Dandruff Hormonal disproportion Medical complications like Thyroid […]