The Hair Transplant Information Primer – 5 Points You Should Know


Hair transplant has become a known procedure for the treatment of hair loss. However, before getting a hair transplant it is necessary to know about some important points about a hair transplant.

  • Laxity of the scalp, what is laxity of the scalp? It means how loose or tight is the scalp skin. Hair transplant works best on loose skin.

What is donor site? The donor site is the area which donates hair follicles to the area that requires hair follicles.

Hair follicles that are not affected by DHT are reaped to be transplanted.

  • In most cases, crown hair transplant in Dubai works best for the patients who are men due to the type of hair loss. Women suffer from hair loss that affects their whole scalp. While men suffer from male pattern hair loss that results in hair loss mainly on the top of the scalp making a horseshoe pattern and the front line is normally unaffected as in the case of females.

Men that don’t have DHT resistant areas at the back of the scalp are not good candidates for a hair transplant as these are stable areas which provide donor hair in a good candidate.

  • Coarse and curly hair provide the best coverage as compared to straight hair. It gets difficult for the surgeon to perform hair transplant when the hair loss patient has straight and fine hair as it provides very less coverage. Curly hair curls up and cover the scalp to a much greater degree than straight hairs which are close to the scalp.

Another challenge for a hair transplant is when the hair loss sufferer has a greater difference in the shade of the hair and skin. It is believed that dark hair color and dark skin are best suited for a hair transplant. If a patient has light skin and dark hair or dark skin and light hair than it gets very difficult to achieve a great result.

  • It is important to know about the crown hair transplant in Dubai technique which would be suitable according to your face shape. As every individual has different face shapes and hairline so the surgeon must carefully select the best suitable art of hair transplant that would produce the best result and match with the face shape. Try to check the before and after pictures of previous patients to check the expertise of the surgeon. Hair transplant not only transplants hair on the bald areas but also transforms your facial look so you must ask the surgeon of what kind of results can be achieved.
  • The cost, it is an important factor for deciding you should go for a crown hair transplant in Dubai or not and if yes would it be worth it. Different clinics have different costs of hair transplant according to the number of grafts and the expertise of the surgeon. The greater the name of the surgeon the more he is going to charge. But the main thing is the outcome, because if you going to spend so much you should also see the desired outcome.So it is advised to consult thoroughly with your doctor about the whole procedure and outcome.

Crown hair transplant in Dubai is a revolutionary life changing procedure so collect all the information and when you feel satisfied after consultation with the surgeon about the outcome than is the right time you   should opt for a hair transplant.


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Written By: Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.

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