Hair Transplant: Putting an End to Male Pattern Baldness
June 4, 2016
Hair transplantation is the only fully natural, effective and long-lasting result producing remedy for hair loss. In this era of digital information, almost every hair loss sufferer has come to know about the effectiveness of hair transplantation.
People who want to overcome their baldness sometimes may rush into choosing a hair transplant surgeon for them. This may lead them to an even worst condition without settling the hair loss concern. Hair transplant Dubai clinic takes an initiative to help the sufferer around thereby providing a detailed session of free consultation prior to your hair transplant.
Here are the tips to choose the right hair transplant surgeon for you:
In this era of advanced communication options, it has become easier to identify the credential of your surgeon. Read well on the internet about all the qualifications and skills of your operating surgeon. Undergoing a hair transplantation procedure is not a piece of cake that it can be a bitter experience of your life. Hair transplant surgery, when performed by the right surgeon, is not a big deal at all.
As in any other surgery, the experience of the surgeon in a hair transplant surgery matters the most. The experienced surgeon will be able to eliminate all the hurdles and complications that you may encounter during a hair transplant procedure. The experience should not be counted by the age but by the number of years he or she is performing the surgeries.
Go for the surgeon who is comfortable in performing different hair transplantation techniques. This will help you select an appropriate procedure for your specific hair loss concern. It is recommended to ask your surgeon of his/her experience about the procedure that you want to undergo.
Here are certain questions that you may need to ask your surgeon before the procedure.
Ask gently to your surgeon to show the before and after images of the recent patient that your surgeon has operated. See the images and get to know about the different hair transplant techniques that have been used to achieve the displayed results.
Go to the clinic that facilitates you to have a pre-procedure consultation with the surgeon. It will help you discuss all the consequences of your upcoming hair transplant procedure. These are the questions that you need to ask your surgeon at the time of consultation.
Hair transplant Clinic Dubai has a team of expert and board-certified surgeons who have a vast experience in dealing with each and every kind of hair transplant. Get our free consultation and help yourself to choose the best possible hair restoration procedure for your condition.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
March 14, 2013