Painless Technique for a Hair Transplant in Dubai
April 22, 2015
Eyelash transplantation to enhance short, thin, spare or ‘weak’ lashes. Years ago eyelash hair transplant was not common among people as now. People feared and did not considered it safe because of the lack of control over the orientation, direction, curl and position of the ingrained lash follicles.
Eyelashes not only add to the beauty of the eye but also serve as protector for the eyelid. Air contains dust particles and debris which the eyelashes sweeps out. They also help to restrain moisture out of the eye. Shielding the eye from the bright sunlight rays is another function of the eyelashes.
Eyelash hair transplant can be performed due to various reasons.
Unlike false lashes or lash extensions, lash transplantation is safe and effective to restore living and growing lashes. In an exceedingly comfy procedure, lash transplantation redistributes live hair follicles from any part of the scalp which is suitable for donating hair follicles to produce life changing results for your eyelash in just some hours.
Under local anesthesia the hair follicles are usually extracted from the scalp to be transplanted one by one to the upper eyelid. About 25-50 hairs are placed in the upper eyelid. This is a delicate procedure and requires manual placement of hairs so that they are placed at right direction and position. It is a two hour painless procedure requiring an hour per eyelid.
The transplanted hair need to be manually curved so they grow in the same direction as other natural hair and after sometime they also need to be trimmed and trained using gel or wax as they continue to grow.
For around three to four days after the procedure, little crusts are formed around the area of transplanted hair, and there may be some pinkness and/or swelling to the eyelids.
Aside from some residual delicate pinkness that fades out, some patients might suffer from itching which can be reduced by the medications prescribed by the doctor to the patients. Scratching should be avoided as it can lead to infection.
Sutures placed within the donor space area are soluble thus there’s no need to go back to the clinic for suture removal.
As it is a quick and minimal discomfort eyelash hair transplant procedure most of the patients head out to the malls the same day after the procedure, yes! Isn’t it amazing?
The average cost of eyelash hair transplant varies from doctor to doctor and the chosen procedure of harvest. It can cost a few thousands, although cost is a key factor in selecting the doctor but as eyes are sensitive part of your body and getting a surgical procedure for enhancing your eyelash you should consider a doctor who is well reputed and can show you results of previous patients.
Properly trained doctors who are committed to providing all aspects of care throughout the procedure should be considered as eyelash surgery is much more serious compared to complications from hair transplant surgery to the scalp.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
April 22, 2015
April 29, 2016