Why Should I Do Hair Transplant?
June 10, 2015
Being bald is really a devastating situation and has a negative psychological effect. Baldness leads to feelings of hopelessness and of low confidence.
Most people thought that baldness is a lifelong condition and it can’t be cured. But due to the advancement in hair transplantation field, baldness is not a lifelong condition anymore.
In past times, there wasn’t any long lasting cure which could help in regrowing hair. But now, advancements in hair restorative field has led to many innovations, FUE hair transplant in Dubai is one of them.
It gives the bald men a chance to regrow their hair again. By getting the FUE hair transplant, bald men will no longer have to worry about losing their hair.
It’s has been seen as a common trait in men to lose their hair since the beginning of time. there were not many options for them to do something about it so eventually, they just had to accept it.
But now as we moved further into the modern era, advancements in hair restoration like FUE hair transplants were introduced and it offers a permanent and most satisfactory solution to people who can’t just accept baldness.
Male pattern hair loss which is hereditary affects more than 50% of men all around the world. It’s believed that the culprit behind androgenic alopecia is the male hormone dihydrotestosterone and some genetic factors.
It’s not important that hair loss genes are uniform in all the family members. It could be possible that one sibling has balding genes and gets affected by androgenic alopecia whereas others are safe from it.
If you have started observing the early symptoms of your baldness then it’s very important to seek professional help without wasting another second.
The hair transplant surgeon may recommend you to use certain medications if your hair loss is at the early stage. But if your hair loss is getting extreme and reaches to the stage 7. Then there only one safe, long lasting and effective treatment to cure your hair loss i.e. FUE hair transplant.
The hair transplant surgeon will first affirm you whether you a good candidate to get a hair transplant or not. If you are eligible to get a hair transplant then he may recommend you to get a FUE hair transplant in Dubai .
First of all, the hair transplant surgeon will shave the donor areas for the extraction of hair follicles.
Then the hair transplant surgeon will mark the areas for the implantation process according to the request of the patient.
The extraction and implantation process of hair follicles in the FUE hair transplant technique will be performed under the administration of the local anaesthesia for the comfortable and painless surgery.
For that, the hair transplant surgeon will first administer local anaesthesia to the donor zone for the easy extraction process.
Then the hair transplant surgeon will extract hair follicles from the donor zones for the implantation process.
And then trimmed under a stereo magnifying instrument to obtain the desired size.
This time, local anaesthesia is administered at the recipient area for the easy implantation process of hair follicles.
He will then make tiny incisions for the implantation process at the right locations and proper angles on to the recipient regions.
At last, the hair transplant surgeon will implant the extracted hair follicles separately into the made tiny incisions to complete the surgery.
You won’t feel pain and discomfort during this hair transplantation procedure. And also you won’t regret after getting it because of the following benefits of the FUE hair transplant technique:
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
June 10, 2015
December 28, 2014
October 9, 2018