Hair Loss In Women – Are We Doing All We Can
December 16, 2016
Despite hair transplant being the most popular and the most demanded hair restoration technique of the 21st century, physicians in Dubai and other parts of the world are performing outdated, and to some extent dangerous, hair restoration technique.
Here we will discuss with you some bad hair restoration techniques to avoid. Beware of these perilous hair restoration techniques to avoid any unwanted situation.
Flap Reconstruction:
As is obvious from its name, this technique involves moving a flap of hair bearing skin from the side of the scalp to the frontal part to cover hairless patch there. A flap of skin – one inch wide and 3 to 7 inches long – is cut on three sides but not severed completely to keep the blood supply intact. Skin on the balding area is surgically removed and this flap is stitched there in such a way that the hair bearing side faces outwards from the head. It is a major surgery performed with general anesthesia.
Free-Form Flap:
A relatively advanced but more invasive type of flap reconstruction is free-form flap. It involves severing the hair bearing flap of skin completely from the donor site and stitching it at the hairless site in the direction of natural growth. This procedure is not recommended for male/female pattern baldness. It is rather used for severely disfigured patients, such as burn traumas or accident victims.
Side Effects Of Flap And Free-Form Flap Reconstruction:
Both these technique involve a multitude of side effects, with partial or complete death of flap being at the top of the list. This leaves a permanent bald scar in the problem area. Besides that, hairs usually grow in the direction opposite to the normal hairline. Infection, permanent shock loss, loosened skin in the forehead and visible front hairline scar are among other common side effects of these out-dated hair restoration techniques.
Hair Transplant Surgery – The Best Hair Restoration Technique:
If you wish to restore a natural looking hairline, with the aforementioned risks and complications, a hair transplant surgery may be worth considering. With advancements in hair transplant techniques, chances of bad hair transplant have drastically decreased. Patients from all over the world have shared healthy feedbacks about surgical hair restoration. But exceptions are always there and you may have come across some negative feedback, with someone suggesting you not to undergo hair transplant surgery, just because he ended up with pluggy grafts (very rare though), or did not get desired hair density or he is struggling with bald patches once again. The answer to all these post-hair transplant woes is to choose the right surgeon. Skilled hands will always do the job in an excellent way, whereas opting for an inexperienced surgeon or nurse practitioner, just to save a few bucks, can result in a bad hair transplant, fixing which may need a series of surgeries.
Free Consultation:
To know more bad hair restoration techniques to avoid, book a free online consultation now and let our experts guide you. If you are interested in a hair transplant surgery, pay us a visit now and get the surgery done by our highly skilled, board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
December 16, 2016
August 27, 2016
March 12, 2018