Get Natural Looking HairStyle with Hair Transplant
April 1, 2013
Every woman covets lush, long silky hair, but like many others you also think that requires a lot of care and attention? No! It’s all about just 7 things that every woman should know about their hair. Just follow these extremely simple tips in your mind and will be amazed by the solid effect on the health of your hair. Try them and maintain a healthy, lush proposition on top of your head and keep your locks equally appealing and soothing to the sight during dry winters and scorching summers.
Get regular trims:
If you really want to keep your hair healthy, start getting regular trims. Most girls who wish to have long hair believe that getting regular trims may prevent their hair from getting past a certain length, which is not true. On average your hair grows about half an inch a month, so getting half an inch hair trimmed every 2 to 3 months is not going to affect your hair growth as such. Some people even grow hair faster, and there are claims that getting regular trims also stimulates hair growth. So regular trims will make sure that you get rid of damaged, dried, split ends and your hair will be healthier, shinier and fresher. Start getting regular trims and you will notice significant change in your hair health.
Shampoo your hair moderately:
There is a common misconception that shampooing hair daily is necessary for keeping hair healthier, smoother and shinier. But this is totally wrong. Excessive shampooing not only takes away the grease and grime off your head but also deprives your scalp and hair of their natural oils. This causes the hair to become dry and brittle. Also don’t forget to condition your hair after you shampoo them. This helps keep them smooth, soft and silky. Furthermore, conditioning also helps hair retain their natural moisture.
Don’t over brush your hair:
While brushing does enhance blood circulation in the scalp, over brushing could be detrimental for your hair. Brush your hair twice or at most trice a day but that too for not more than a few minutes. Over-brushing induces static charge in hair which makes them stand up and prone to breakups and split ends. Unless you really need to style your hair, there is no need to brush them. Use a wide-toothed wooden comb or a good quality paddle brush to detangle your hair. Also avoid brushing your hair while they are still wet, as they are three times more delicate than dry hair.
Don’t color or bleach your hair quite often:
Women mostly prefer dying their strands every month or couple of months, but this is very damaging for the hair. Dying or bleaching your hair that often causes them to become dry and damaged. If you have dark hair but you are wearing light streaks or blond hair, simply color your hair dark – the shade nearest to your natural hair color – and grow your hair until you get back your natural hair color all over the head. It will take you a few years to get back original hair color, but it will be worth waiting. And if you really wish to color your hair, don’t do this quite often.
Protect your hair against Chlorinated Water:
With summers approaching, most of the women must be getting ready to hit the pool again to escape the summer effect. But did you know that swimming can damage your lush hair? Jumping into the chlorinated water of the swimming pool can be detrimental to your locks. To avoid the damage caused by chlorinated water, always wear a shower cap while swimming.
Take vitamin supplements:
Most of the time your hair loss their sheen and gloss because of vitamin deficiency. If your body is vitamin deficient your hairs become dry and brittle. If you want to maintain a lush head with soft and silky strands, make sure you consume all the essential vitamins in your daily diet. If you think you are not taking enough vitamins through diet, you can always opt for vitamin supplements. Vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids are particularly essential for hair growth. Consult a doctor to know which vitamins you should consume to keep your hair in the best state.
Avoid sun exposure:
UV rays of the sun are equally damaging for your skin and hair. If you spend most of your day outdoors, use a shampoo with a sunscreen added to it. This will not only protect your hair from sun damage but will also have a nourishing effect and the new hair growing from your scalp will be healthier and shinier. To offer physical protection, take an umbrella, or wear a hat when going out during day time.
We totally understand that keeping a constant check on the state of your hair can be a little frustrating, but be assured it pays off well in the end.
Free Consultation:
To know more about hair care, make a free online consultation now by filling the form below.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
April 1, 2013
October 23, 2017
September 7, 2018