Bad Choices that are thinning your hair
October 18, 2018
Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia is a subtype of Androgenic Alopecia, commonly known as Male/Female Pattern Baldness. The condition affects both men and women, but it is more common in males, courtesy their genetic makeup. It is critically important to differentiate between diffuse unpatterned alopecia from other types of hair loss, especially the normal pattern baldness, because without differentiating between the two, you cannot treat the condition effectively.
Hair loss in case of traditional Androgenic Alopecia follows the patterns defined by the Hamilton Norwood scale. The loss begins at the temples or the crown region and progresses over time. Some men suffer from nominal hair loss in hairline or the vertex, but most of the times it develops over the entire frontal, mid scalp and crown, and only a frill of hair is left behind at the back and sides of the scalp.
The name “Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia” is self explanatory, this type of hair loss does not follow a specific pattern. In about 2-6% men hair loss pattern is relatively uncommon and undefined. Hair loss in DUPA patients is not restricted to the front and top of the scalp alone. Instead, it expands to back and sides of the scalp as well. In such men, majority of the follicles on the scalp undergo androgenic miniaturization but they do not lose ability to regrow hair completely.
Since hair loss is not confined to certain parts of the scalp and it does not follow a specific pattern either, DUPA patients are not considered good candidates for Hair Transplant. Follicles at the back and sides of the scalp are not of good quality to move them elsewhere. If a hair transplant is performed on such patients, its results will not be long lasting. It may look good for a few years but the transplanted grafts will always be at the risk of falling out.
The only effective treatment for DUPA patients is through medications. Minoxidil and Finasteride are two FDA-approved medicines generally prescribed for treating Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia. The former is a topical application available over the counter whereas the latter is a prescription oral pill. However, these medications have lost their popularity among patients and doctors of late due to a long list of side effects that come with them. Besides that, the results are also temporary and the hair fall off as soon as the treatment is discontinued.
If you are seeking a safe and effective DUPA Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai, PRP treatment may be worth considering. PRP shots are rich in growth factors which help stimulate adult stem cells and strengthen miniaturized follicles. This ultimately triggers robust hair growth on the entire scalp.
If you are interested in PRP Treatment for Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) or want to know more about it, book an absolutely FREE CONSULTATION with our experts now. All that you have to do is, fill the form below. It will hardly take a minute and you will be on your way to a thicker and fuller head of hair.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
October 18, 2018
September 17, 2014