Different Types of Hair Loss in Women
September 15, 2014
DHT is one of the main culprits behind hair fall according to hair doctor Dubai. Now, what is DHT? DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as the male hormone and it is the worst enemy of your hair follicles ever. Let’s consider a few major forms of alopecia classified by hair doctor Dubai.
Commonly known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia causes many me and women to lose hair. Earlier it was assumed that by a male sex hormone called testosterone. But now DHT is regarded as the main culprit. Well, testosterone has no direct influence on hair follicles; it can be devastating once converted into DHT. Alpha-reductase is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT.
DHT causes healthy hair follicles to shrink, hence hindering the growth of hair and eventually resulting hair fall. This is not gender subsequent. It can happen in both men and women. In general, women have much lower levels of testosterone in them as compared to men. However, the levels of testosterone can rise in women and can result in hair loss and balding as soon as testosterone is converted in DHT.
Hormonal balance is critical for maintaining the health of your hair. Hormones work in your support if they are balanced. Androgen commonly known as male hormones can trigger hair loss, if unbalanced. Hormones have a cynical nature. Imbalance in hormones is greatly affected by age. Both men and women, when they age experience hair loss.
Majority of women who undergo androgenetic alopecia suffer from thinning throughout the scalp. On the other hand, men who suffer from androgenetic alopecia suffer from hair loss in a more specific pattern. They usually do not lose hair on the back and sides of scalp and lose hair on the frontal and crown area of the scalp. Hormones, cysts, birth control pills and menopause are some of the main triggers of androgenetic alopecia according to hair doctor Dubai. Hereditary also plays a major role in androgenetic alopecia.
If your body undergoes any extreme change like child birth, malnutrition (due to crash dieting), major surgery or any other severe change, your hair is most likely to experience hair fall. This particular type of hair fall is known as telogen effluvium. Your hair can shift from growing phase and resting phase into shedding phase, also known as telogen phase. Stress is also a major trigger for telogen effluvium. It is in most cases, a temporary condition. Your hair, it will typically grow back in about a year or six months. However, if you don’t notice any improvement in the condition of your hair, you must visit hair doctor Dubai.
This type of hair fall condition is commonly associated with patients undergoing chemotherapy. Cancer medications target cancer cells, this process not only affects cancerous cell, but it also takes a toll on your hair follicles. Patients undergoing chemotherapy lose all their hair due to tapered fracture of hair follicles; you will most likely lose more than 90 percent of your hair. Due to fracture of hair shafts, you will lose hair significant amounts of hair. This condition can only be treatment once you have gotten complete treatment for cancer. Afterwards you can treat hair loss.
If you are a fan of tight hair styles like sleek, high pony tails, and high buns or intricate up do’s, you are on the verge of suffering with traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is caused due to excessive tugging and pulling of hair strands. If you don’t want to undergo extensive treatments for treating hair loss, opt for more lose hair styles. According to hair doctor Dubai, it is one of the most neglected causes of hair fall. You must experiment with lose braids, low buns or keep your hair down in general.
According to hair doctor Dubai, not one solution fits all. There are multiple extensive solutions for treating hair loss. They include more permanent options like going for FUT hair transplant or opting for FUE hair transplant. if your hair fall has just begin, you can explore non surgical options like PRP therapy, ACell therapy and Mesotherapy. If you are a fan of cropped look, you can choose scalp micropigmentation treatment. However, it is critical to visit a doctor and devise a suitable solution for yourself.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
September 15, 2014
August 8, 2014
June 13, 2018