Best non-surgical Hair Restoration therapies that work

  • PRP Therapy
  • Mesotherapy
  • ACell Therapy
  • HairMax laser band

PRP Therapy:

It involves the extraction of patient’s own blood from the suitable parts of the body and then injecting it back into the scalp regions where treatment is needed.

This is the main reason which makes it a safe procedure because it reduces the post-surgical side effects, infections, and complications.

Benefits of PRP Therapy:

  • An advanced non-surgical hair loss healing treatment.
  • Extracted from the patient’s own blood
  • Only needs a small sample of blood
  • Increased platelet concentration
  • Perfumed by the specially designed equipment
  • Quickly helps in healing the pain of the injected area.
  • Reduces the time to full recovery.
  • Heals pain in chronic injuries over a period of 3-6 months.
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A nutritious solution is injected into the recipient region of the scalp. This solution contains a variety of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

Benefits of Mesotherapy:

  • Painless procedure.
  • Does not cause any long-term side effects.
  • Does not involve any cuts and stitches.
  • Requires less time for complete healing and recovery.
  • Gives instant and long-lasting results.
  •  Helps to maintain its texture and firmness.
  • Helps in Hair Regrowth, stimulates the body to naturally grow hair.

ACell Therapy:

ACell therapy is an advancement of the simple PRP therapy. It is a synthetic protein that is known for healing damaged tissues and also to strengthen hair follicles.

Benefits of ACell Therapy:

  • It is a least invasive procedure.
  • Won’t need any cuts and stitches.
  • Helps to provide you a permanent denser head of hair.
  • It’s a cost-effective alternative/ affordable as the comparison to other hair transplant techniques.
  • Consumes less time
  • Quick and fast recovery time period.
  • Doesn’t require any further maintenance
  • It’s also beneficial for women.

HairMax Laser Band:

HairMax laser band improves the level of blood supply to your scalp and helps in the regrowth of hair. It transfers the healing ways to the hair follicles so that they get activated for the stronger and healthy hair regrowth.

This boost of light regenerates the weak, damaged or rough hair follicles to stimulate the growth factors and also to reverse thinning of hair. It will also help to extend and restore the natural hair growth cycle. And resulting in the hair regrowth with the increased density, fullness and vibrancy.

Benefits of HairMax Laser Band:

  • It will help in the stimulation of your hair regrowth.
  • It will also help to treat your hair thinning or hair loss.
  • It will help to increase the hair density.
  • This laser band also gives a new life to the damaged hair and regenerates the dead cells of hair.
  • It doesn’t have any kind of side effects like allergies, inflammation, skin diseases, irritation, scarring, soreness etc.
  • it won’t endanger your health because it’s a drug-free treatment.

Trichologist Recommendation:

If you are one of the victims of hair thinning or hair loss. Then it’s a very important to get yourself properly evaluated by a trichologist before trying any of the non-surgical hair loss treatments on your own.

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Any 1 Therapy among Best Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Therapies:

He will examine your scalp thoroughly and then will evaluate your hair loss treatment options. The trichologist may recommend you to get one of these non-surgical hair restoration therapies, like either get a PRP therapy, Mesotherapy or ACell therapy from Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic. Or to use a HairMax laser band.

Combination of all the Best Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Therapies:

The trichologist may also recommend you to get combined therapies such as PRP therapy with Acell, Mesotherapy with laser band etc. As they show visible results much faster when combined as compared to results with one therapy at a time.


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Written By: Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.

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