Treatment for Autoimmune induced Hair loss
June 12, 2018
In the Hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are extracted from the donor regions like the back or sides of your scalp. The tiny incisions are made at your recipient regions and extracted hair follicles are implanted into them.
Whole hair transplantation surgery is carried out under the administration of local anesthesia to make the procedure painless and comfortable. There are possible chances of shock loss after a hair transplant.
Shock loss takes place after opting for a hair transplant surgery. It’s a natural occurrence in which newly transplanted hair falls out.
Shock loss may occur at your both, donor and recipient regions. A question must be hitting through your mind right now that;
Why shock loss actually occurs after getting a hair transplant procedure?
So here are various factors which can contribute in causing your shock loss after hair transplant:
Like in the FUT hair transplant surgery, strip extraction method from the donor areas of the scalp is performed. Strip extraction method can lead to higher chances of shock loss as compared to the FUE hair transplant procedure.
Because in FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are individually extracted from the donor areas of the scalp, by using a one-millimeter punch tool.
So the extraction of the donor hair can affect your neighboring hair follicles in your donor area of the scalp. And this trauma can cause shedding of your hair after getting the hair transplant surgery.
Shock loss can be caused at your recipient areas, or where the hair follicles are implanted. The procedure of making tiny incisions at your recipient areas can affect your neighboring recipient hair follicles.
And due to the trauma of tiny incisions making process, your hair at the recipient areas may go into an inactive stage and then it would eventually fall out.
Shock loss after hair transplant doesn’t cause permanent hair loss, neither at your donor area of the scalp nor at your recipient region. After the shock loss phenomena, your hair will regrow automatically from the affected areas within a couple of months.
In some cases if the bulb, which is present at the ends of your hair follicles are damaged or destroyed while performing the hair transplant surgery then you may have to suffer from the permanent hair loss.
Shock loss after a hair transplant isn’t very common among the hair transplant candidates. Mostly, the hair transplant patient suffers from the temporary shock loss after getting a hair transplant but hair begin to regrow in a couple of months.
As the aim of hair transplant surgery is to restore the hair by providing a full head of hair with realistic results instead of increasing the rate of hair loss.
Some hair transplant patients’ use oral medications to control their shock loss after getting a hair transplant, but it’s not recommended as a safe and healthy option to control shock loss.
If you are deciding to get a hair transplant surgery for the treatment of your hair thinning, hair loss or baldness then it’s really a wise decision. But at the same time you don’t want to suffer from the shock loss after hair transplant, you have to be very cautious while picking a hair transplant clinic.
As it’s really important that the clinic should be authentic and recognized by an authentic institution. And the surgeons should also be well known and have many years of experience in the hair transplantation field.
If you are suffering from hair thinning, hair loss or baldness and want to get a hair transplant procedure. Then before opting for it, it would be a good decision if you seek a hair specialist advice for the evaluation of your hair loss treatment options.
Do you know that the hair transplant clinic has most experienced, well trained and skilled hair transplant surgeons? They are proficient in determining the underlying cause of the hair loss and also in performing the unmistakable hair transplant surgeries.
Arrange an appointment with the hair transplant surgeon at the hair transplant clinic. The hair transplant surgeon will examine your scalp and hair very cautiously, including your donor and recipient areas.
Afterwards, the hair transplant surgeon will tell you the underlying cause which has contributed in causing your hair loss, type and the severity of your hair.
Then the hair transplant surgeon will affirm you for the candidacy for the hair transplant after examining your donor hair supply at the back and sides of your scalp.
If you fulfill all the conditions to become a good candidate for a hair transplant surgery and also have sufficient amount of donor’s hair, then the hair transplant surgeon may recommend you to get suitable hair transplant procedure from the hair transplant clinic.
As the hair transplant clinic has well-trained hair transplant surgeons, so there would be least chances of shock loss after a hair transplant.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
June 12, 2018
December 7, 2016
April 23, 2018