Bad Hair Restoration Techniques To Avoid
December 7, 2015
Hair Transplant is without any doubt the most successful procedure to restore a natural-looking hairline in the most natural way. But unlike non-surgical hair restoration options, a hair transplant surgery does not create new hair follicles; instead, it uses donor hair somewhere on your body (mostly the scalp itself) and plants them on the areas of need. This makes hair transplant a limited time offer, i.e. you cannot have a hair transplant surgery for an unlimited number of times. This is why it is important that your hair transplant should be successful in the first attempt. The success rate of your surgery is primarily defined by the percentage of transplanted hair that actually survives and grows.
The formula for calculating the percentage of follicles that survive:
While there is no hard and fast formula to calculate exactly what percentage of the transplanted hair will actually survive and grow, there are several ways you can ensure the maximum number of the transplanted hair will survive.
Tips to maximize the number of grafts that actually survive and grow:
Read the following paragraphs to know the ways to get the most out of your hair transplant surgery and maximize the number of grafts that actually survive and grow.
Selecting the surgeon:
The success rate of your hair transplant surgery depends directly on the experience and surgical skills of the person performing the procedure. Highly qualified, board-certified surgeons have a success rate of up to 98% as well, i.e. out of 100 follicles transplanted, 98 will survive and sprout a hair strand. So choosing the right surgeon is crucial for ensuring that the maximum number of grafts grows.
Minimize Hair Follicle Destruction
A hair transplant surgery comprises of two phases, extraction of hair follicles and then their plantation at the recipient area. Some hair follicles get destroyed during the transitions phase – extraction, excision, and plantation. The former is particularly more important. You cannot control the destruction factor altogether, you can simply control it by once again choosing the right surgeon and some reputed hair restoration facility. Even the most experienced surgeon cannot guarantee transplant surgery without damaging a single follicle, but he can minimize the destruction of your valuable resource. Discuss with your surgeon what percentage he or she guarantees? Less than 5% is perfectly fine, but 10% or more is considered high or very high.
Pre- and Post-op Care:
It’s not only the surgeon who should be held responsible for the survival and growth of transplanted hair. You also have a vital role to play in ensuring your hair transplant turns out to be a successful surgery. Following your doctor’s pre- and post-op instructions is a must for a successful surgery. Prepare well for the surgery by quitting all the things that can affect the outcome of your surgery. Some of them include blood thinners, smoking, drinking, and a few foods and supplements as well, that your surgeon can better guide you.
No matter how good surgery you had, your post-surgery care can have a deciding effect on the results of your hair transplant. Newly transplanted hairs are very delicate during the first few days. However, not touching them is not the answer. You have to keep your scalp clean and scab free. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines completely for taking care of your new hair.
Set Realistic Expectations:
Having that said, it is pertinent to mention here that set realistic expectations, if you want to end up satisfied. You may be surprised, but it is true! Pre-surgery expectations play a crucial role in your satisfaction from your surgery. Although this factor may not play a role in producing the results, it certainly plays a crucial role in your satisfaction with your surgery. The outcome of the surgery heavily depends on the availability and quality of your donor’s hair. Discuss the possible outcomes with your surgeons and form realistic expectations.
Follow the aforementioned tips and remain assured that you will have excellent results from your surgery, and will be one of the happiest hair transplant clients.
Free consultation:
If you are seeking the best hair restoration facility in the United Arab Emirates, visit Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic now and you won’t be disappointed. The clinic has a team of highly-skilled, board-certified hair transplant surgeons. We also offer free online consultations for our esteemed clients. Fill the form below to book a consultation now.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
December 7, 2015
January 27, 2020