Ten misconceptions associated with hair transplant


Whenever you are looking into hair replacement in Dubai, you are flooded with information. Fortunately and unfortunately, with the ease of access to internet space, anybody and anyone can post anything that they want. While half of the information available on the internet is provided by experts, the other half holds no truth and is responsible for creating myths regarding hair transplant. Following are the myths associated with hair transplant:

Misconception no 1: Hair transplant-a highly expensive procedure

Apparently, hair transplant might appear extremely expensive. But there are few things one must consider in regards to hair replacement in Dubai. It is a permanent procedure which equals to no maintenance cost and a full head of hair for life. When you look at the long term results, you will notice that you are spending less as compared to the lifelong intake of medicines to re grow and maintain hair.

Misconception no 2: You can spot a person undergone hair transplant

In the past it was not a myth, as older techniques made hair plugs visible and it was easy to spot whether a person has undergone hair transplant or not. However, it is not the case these days. New techniques produce natural looking results and it is almost impossible to detect real hair from transplanted hair.

Misconception no 3: it is a non permanent procedure

Hair transplant is a permanent and lifelong procedure. Once, the hair is transplanted, it stays there for the rest of your life. If anything, transplanted hair is more permanent than your natural hair.

Misconception no 4: transplant should be done at early stage of hair loss

No, it is absolutely not correct. You should wait until the pattern of hair loss becomes visible and you are one hundred percent sure that you hair will not grow back. Also, it will help the surgeons performing hair replacement in Dubai for the careful extraction and placement of grafts.

Misconception no 5: it is an extremely painful procedure

Hair transplant these days is a minimally invasive procedure and you don’t feel any significant pain. Although it is a surgical procedure, you might experience some minor pains and discomfort which can be easily controlled by taking pain killers.

Misconception no 6: it is for everyone

It is the most common myth of all myths that anyone can undergo a hair transplant. It is not true. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for the surgery. And it can only be determined by a surgeon.

Misconception no 7: reversible procedure

Contrary to popular belief, hair transplant is a non reversible procedure. That’s why services of a highly expert surgeon are required in this regard to make sure you achieved your desired look.

Misconception no 8: anyone else’s hair can be used

This is an absolutely big no. somebody else’s hair cannot be used for your hair transplantation surgery unless it’s a real life clone of you. Only your hair can be used for hair transplantation. It can be extracted from the back of the head mostly, and in some cases from your body.

Misconception no 9: grafts can fall out

No, my dear fellows they won’t fall out. Trust me they won’t. They are not glued to your hair; rather they are surgically placed on to your scalp.

Misconception no 10:  hair transplant require maintenance

Your transplanted hair does not require any maintenance other than the normal hair care routine. No additional care or products are used for transplanted hair. You can treat it like you natural hair.


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Written By: Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.

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