Robotic Hair Transplant Pros and Cons

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Robotic hair transplant is a new hair restoration technique that has recently been introduced in the UAE. It is a fully automated hair transplantation technique in which both graft harvesting and transplantation are carried out with the help of the computer operated robot.

A specially designed ARTAS system is used for performing robot guided hair restoration surgery. This system is comprised of three parts, a robotic arm, a video imaging system, and a computer user interface. The system can be used for graft extraction as well as site creation.

When using the ARTAS system for graft extraction, it is programmed by the surgeon about the size and length of the grafts to be extracted. The robot then harvests grafts using advanced optical guidance system. Similarly, when used for site creation, the surgeon feeds information about angle of hair elevation, hair direction, site depth, average density, and total number of recipient site incisions. The robot executes the plan with 100% precision and at a speed unattainable with human hand.

Like any other procedure, robot guided transplantation also has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here we will share with you Robotic Hair Transplant pros and cos. It will help you to decide if Robotic Transplant is worth opting for.

Advantages of Robotic Hair Transplant:

  • Graft harvesting at a fast pace:

The robot guided system allows graft harvesting at a speed and accuracy that is almost impossible to achieve with simple FUE Transplant.

  • Higher graft survival rate:

Using robot for graft harvesting and plantation significantly decreases the graft damage rate. This allows for maximum number of grafts to survive and grow hair.

  • Highest level of precision:

Since image guided technology is used for graft harvesting and site creation, this allows for microscopic precision and accuracy.

  • Optical guidance system:

The system uses optical guidance system to locate and extract follicular units. This allows for harvesting the best possible follicles from the back and sides of the scalp

Disadvantages of Robotic Hair Transplant:

  • It is expensive:

The biggest disadvantage of Robot guide transplantation is that it is way more expensive than the traditional techniques, whereas the results are not as different. 2500 grafts Stem Cell FUE costs AED 15000 whereas the same number of grafts transplanted with robotic system will cost you around AED 45000.

  • Bigger gauge needle:

The robotic system uses 1.2mm sized needle for graft harvesting, whereas the needle used for Stem Cell FUE graft extraction is just 0.6 mm. The bigger size needle causes more damage to the donor and recipient sites and the resulting scars are also a little more prominent.

  • Unnatural results:

Using a bigger gauge needle means larger grafts. This greatly affects the outcome as transplanting large grafts creates a pluggy hairline, which looks quite unnatural. Hair density will also be less.

  • More shock loss:

1.2mm gauge needle damages the donor area tissues more and thus causes more shock loss of the native hair. This means that after transplant you will face a temporary hair loss from the transplanted areas as well as the surrounding areas.

If you have any questions on Robotic Hair Transplant, call us or fill the form below for a free consultation.


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Written By: Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.

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