Can I Straight, Perm, and Blow Dry My Transplanted Hair
April 22, 2016
An Afro model Naomi Campbell always looked stunning with her shiny hair. But recently she was barely recognizable because she was experiencing hair loss.
Many Afro-Caribbean suffering from hair loss or hair thinning doesn’t think that they are good candidates to opt for hair transplant surgery. Because of several distinctive characteristics of their black hair.
However, all chemical hair products for hair loss treatment are harmful to the scalp skin and health. These can cause scarring, irritation, soreness, inflammation etc.
And hair extensions provide tension and trauma to the hair due to the tugging or pulling force on the root. Which eventually leads into traction alopecia.
If you are an Afro-Caribbean and suffering from hair loss then instead of using traditional hair loss treatments, try these tips and tricks to control your hair loss naturally:
But it’s a good idea to seek professional help so that you will be able to treat your hair loss in time before it’s too late.
For that arrange an appointment with the surgeon at the hair transplant. After examining your scalp very carefully, he will tell you the severity of your hair loss and may also inform you that actually if you are suffering from traction alopecia or any other hair loss condition.
And afterwards, he may recommend you to get a FUE hair transplant in Abu Dhabi from the hair transplant center.
Because if your hair loss or traction alopecia reaches to the point of no return, in which your hair will be pulled from the roots and permanently damaged due to the excessive use of hair extensions. And there’s no other hair loss treatment which can cure your hair loss problem permanently.
They may be your only option to treat your hair loss permanently is to get a hair transplant.
Afro hair follicles need more space and need to be implanted in such a way that when it grows it covers the surrounding area of their scalp. That’s why hair follicles are implanted in slightly larger incisions.
In fact, it’s a truth that Afro-Caribbean has an advantage of their curly hair especially after getting a hair transplant because their curls create the appearance of more density by using few hair follicles.
Hair loss can be a genetic trait in Afro-Caribbean people. Also, styling hair by making weaves and tight braids can often lead to Traction alopecia.
No doubt that FUE hair transplant is difficult to perform on Afro-Caribbean. And FUT hair transplant is impossible to perform on them.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is a surgical technique in which hair follicles are individually extracted or one by one from the donor areas using very small and delicate instruments.
People with straight hair allows an easy hair transplant procedure to perform. And its angle of hair growth is also prominent on their scalp. But on another hand, Afro hair is curly and hair growth varies.
Afro patients with hair loss also have a genetic problem with healing, known as Keloid formation. In this problem of healing, large scars are formed after every minor skin trauma. It’s not normally a problem if Afro get a FUE hair transplant. But it does occur sometimes in black patients when having a FUT or strip extraction hair transplant procedure.
Afro hair is very curly and coarse so it’s very difficult to perform a hair transplant on them. And only a few surgeons can perform a FUE hair transplant on Afro-Caribbean.
Like an experienced, well trained and skilled surgeon at the hair transplant clinic.
As the surgeon extracts the hair follicles with the surrounding tissue from the Afro-Caribbean scalp. There is a high possibility that the hair follicles from the donor area may be damaged.
But professional surgeons at the hair transplant center first arrange a test session to see that if the extraction is possible or not. Because success is dependent on the experience of the doctor.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
April 22, 2016
September 22, 2020
January 23, 2018