Why go for a stem cell hair treatment?
February 14, 2017
Hair transplantation is a process where the surgeon simply shifts a band of tissue with its original blood supply to the bald area. This technique is being used for quite some time now and despite the few side effects, there are tonnes of people who are satisfied with the final results.
There are two techniques through which you can get your hair transplanted. The first one is known as the strip harvesting technique and the other is known as follicular unit extraction.
This is considered to be the most common technique for removing hair and follicles from a donor side. A small strip of skin is harvested by the surgeon from the posterior scalp. This is done in the area where there is already hair growth. Tissues are then removed from the donor side. Mostly all the intact hair follicles are removed.
After managing to take all the important follicles, it is then time for the surgeon to move them to the bald area. Therefore, the bald area is punctured through micro blades using needles and then they are placed in a set pattern so that the hair growth looks natural.
This technique mostly leaves a pencil thin linear scar.
This is the second technique and not so commonly done by the dermatologists and surgeons across the globe. 1-4 hairs are removed under local anaesthesia. Then after removing these hairs, they are then taken to the bald area where the surgeon once again punctures the scalp in order to make a set pattern on the head.
Mostly this process takes a single long session but some doctors prefer many short spells. The advantage it has over strip harvesting is probably the fact that FUE Hair Transplant does not leave any scars.
The recovery from this technique ranges from 1 week to 2 weeks, which means that you will only have to care for your scalp for the first seven days. There is always a possibility to side effects.
In case you are wondering which technique you should opt for, you should always consult a specialist or an expert who has been dealing with this for a long time. Hair Transplant Dubai is giving out a free consultation to people who want to find out more about different hair transplant techniques. Simply fill out the free consultation form below so you can get our experts’ advice on the matter.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
February 14, 2017
July 23, 2020