Can’t Afford A Hair Transplant? Here are some Great Alternatives
May 31, 2018
A hair transplant from a reputed hair transplant Dubai clinic will result in fuller, thicker head of hair, youthful looks and heightened confidence. But if you have not done significant research when it comes to selecting hair transplant surgeon and clinic, you might end up with horrific results. Following are some markers of bad hair transplants:
Scarring can occur even with the most advanced surgical procedures. Precession and care is required while performing a transplant. Unnecessary incisions and even incisions at a wrong angle can result in scarring. It provides room for bacteria to grow and result in bumpy scalp surface which will eventually lead to scaring. It is critical to look for a good surgeon who is highly skilled in advanced surgical procedures if you wish to avoid ugly scars.
The placement of hair requires a particular angle, depth, and direction for it to grow in harmony with the natural hairs. If individual follicular units are not implanted properly, it will result in unnatural results which will eliminate the whole point of getting a transplant done instead of opting for a hair piece. An advanced hair transplant clinic Dubai will most likely be equipped with skilled surgeons and state of art technology to ensure you experience goes well.
If you have ever noticed scalp of a doll, you get the perfect idea of what I am talking about. Your scalp holds one, two or three individual hair in a single graft. These grafts are divided into individual follicular units and implanted accordingly. If larger grafts are implanted, it will give result in a pluggy appearance.
It is vital to examine the condition of donor site before extracting hair grafts. You might be suffering from any scalp disease affecting the donor area or the hair must be really weak in the donor region. If either of these is a case, your hair transplant won’t turn out perfect, rather it will further damage the appearance of your hair.
Bad hair lines are the most common giveaway of bad hair transplants. A typical hairline is about 1.5 cm above the crease of brows but it can vary depending upon the facial structure of an individual. Placing the hairline in accordance with the facial structure of an individual requires artistic capacity. A surgeon who has vast experience in this field will most likely design a perfect hair line to suit your shape and will make it look as natural as possible.
Extreme infection after surgery is a sure shot sign that the surgeon and team you choose lacked experience or you choose the wrong clinic. It can also be due to outdated tools and equipment. Selecting the right hair transplant clinic Dubai is vital to avoid any extreme infections for cosmetic reasons.
An advanced clinic will have highly skilled and expert surgeons, experienced staff, state of art equipment and advanced management. All of this will ensure that your hair transplant journey will go smoothly and you will be satisfied with the results.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
October 8, 2020