What is the Choi Implanter Pen for Hair Transplant?
September 5, 2017
Patients have a number of hair loss treatment options, especially when it comes to restoring a full, thick, long and beautiful set of eyelashes. Eyelash hair transplant has proven with the best possible results which look completely realistic.
So it’s a definite matter to be confused upon that whether A Surgical Eyelash Transplant or LATISSE® Is a Better option for you.
It’s a prescription-based topical solution that can be applied at home and it works by stimulating the growth of eyelashes to make them thick and full.
LATISSE® is an approved product of U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as to grow thicker eyelashes. Many patients suffering from the eyelash hair loss have successfully renewed their eyelashes.
This eyelashes treatment isn’t effective for the victims who have inactive or damaged hair follicles. If their eyelash hair follicles are damaged then LATISSE® doesn’t have the ability to regrow healthy eyelashes.
So a surgical eyelash transplant is better than LATISSE®. Eyelash hair transplant surgery is better because patients who have inactive hair follicles on their eyelashes regions can regrow healthy eyelashes by getting it.
Eyelash transplant is a surgical treatment to get thicker and longer eyelashes. No matter, your eyelashes are thin either due to any medical or other causes like undergoing an accident, surgery.
And your eyelashes are completely damaged and it’s kind of impossible to regrow your eyelashes as you had before. But, a surgical eyelash transplant can cure your eyelashes and helps to give you denser lashes in short span of time with natural results.
If you are observing that, your eyelashes are falling or you have thin eyelashes, then don’t waste your time.
You should consult a well-recognized hair transplant surgeon at the hair transplant clinic. He will examine your affected regions like your eyelashes.
And then the hair transplant surgeon will recommend you to get an eyelash hair transplant in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) transplant technique is used for the eyelash restoration procedure. And following are the steps, which are involved in the Surgical Eyelash Transplant:
Back or sides of your scalp are shaved and cleaned to prepare it for the hair follicles extraction process.
First local anesthesia is administered to your donor area then the hair follicles are extracted using FUE technique. Grafts with 1 to 4 hair follicles are extracted for the eyelash hair transplant surgery.
local anesthetize is again administered, but this time it’s administered to the recipient region. The tiny incisions are made for the implantation of extracted hair follicles. The hair transplant surgeon keeps in mind the direction, and angle of your eyelashes to produce natural-looking results.
At a time, 1 to 2 hair follicles are properly implanted to your recipient region or your eyelashes area. The single surgical eyelash hair transplant procedure involves the implantation of 30 to 40 hair follicles to create your eyelashes thong and denser.
After getting an eyelash transplant, the hair transplant surgeon will also recommend you to follow following post-surgical care instructions.
So that your transplanted eyelashes will regrow exactly like your head hair. You will need to trim your eyelashes regularly so that it blends naturally and gives a charming look to your face.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
September 5, 2017
June 8, 2017
October 17, 2016