What is the Average Age People Start Losing Hair?
June 6, 2017
It’s been 7 decades since the first hair transplantation surgery was held. Since then, the hair transplantation procedures kept on evolving with time. In the earlier times, the hair plugs method was used for hair transplantation, which stayed a standard hair transplantation procedure for so long.
The hair plugs technique is outdated and now known for the unnatural look or dolls hair appearance, this is what still many of us think about every surgical hair restoration. While it is just a physiological factor, the hair transplantation used to be invasive and aesthetically unpleasing until the mid-1990s before the modern hair transplantation techniques took over.
Two most employed and safest surgical hair restoration techniques are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). From these two techniques, many new and effective methods have evolved that promise maximum results with minimum discomfort. Among these, FUE Micro graft hair transplant, Robotic hair transplant, and Implanter pen are the most effective ones.
In a hair transplantation procedure, hair follicles are extracted from the non-blading parts of the scalp to place them at the balding ones. The key difference in surgical hair restoration techniques is the way grafts are obtained in each one. In FUE and FUT, the standard size grafts are obtained from donor areas that are usually 4mm in size and contain 8-12 hair per graft. Due to more number of hair per grafts, the outcomes of the procedure may get unnatural in some cases. In order to avoid these unnatural outcomes of hair transplantation, the micrograft technique has been introduced.
Micrografts are the grafts that are smaller in sizes and contain 1-2 hair per graft. These smaller grafts when placed at the balding parts of the scalp give a completely natural look and are also helpful in constructing the frontal hairline.
Although micrografting is possible with both, FUE and FUT hair transplantation procedure, micrograft FUE hair transplant in Dubai is the most popular one, because of it is minimally invasive and more productive than a Follicular Unit transplant.
Robotic hair transplant is the modern way of performing Follicular Unit Extraction procedure. The system used for Robotic hair transplantation comprises of an automated arm, which is responsible for site creation and graft extraction, and a video imaging system.
When it comes to grafts extraction, the optical system is capable of identifying the potential hair follicles with specific characteristics, as required by the surgeon. Moreover, the robotic system is also capable of site creation. The surgeon programs the robotic system the way it is required for a particular case and the system performs accordingly.
Conventionally, in a hair transplant, the extraction and implantation processes are done with manual tools, which may not be 100 percent accurate and takes more time to complete the process. However, with the advent of Choi implanter pen, the follicular extraction and implantation processes have become faster and more efficient. It allows a surgeon to extract a large number of hair grafts in a single sitting, which makes the procedure more productive with less time-consuming.
To get more information and assistance on the modern hair transplantation techniques, have a FREE session with top hair transplant surgeons in Dubai. To avail this opportunity, you just need to fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
June 6, 2017
February 25, 2013