6 Hair transplant myths you should not believe
May 22, 2018
Hair fall is a menace to many men and women all over the world. Old age, lifestyle, chemical contamination, or even genetics can be some of the few factors which influence hair loss in people of both genders. However, the entire industry and medical prowess achieved in moving towards better solutions for hair loss should not underestimate since there is a growing improvement in the lives of people who have opted for treatments or even remedies that have helped them restore their hair or reverse hair fall. Thankfully the human being is a widely similar yet personalized species. This means that there is no golden rule of thumb when it comes to dealing with issues in our contemporary lives. Everyone has a different set of perspectives, expectations, and circumstances contributing to their appearance and persona. Cosmetic surgery is usually the last resort when it comes to treating hair loss, but every person can look for hundreds of remedies for hair loss treatment that can help them out.
Normal hair loss can be counted as losing between 50-100 strands of hair on a daily basis. If this rate increases then you should find your solution by visiting a cosmetologist or hair specialist. If you are experiencing excessive hair loss that is making you feel insecure now would be a good time to consult one of our experts who will be able to guide you better for your specific set of issues. Your first consultation with the clinic is free of cost. However, in the meantime, you can see if these 4 superior methods for preventing excessive hair loss workout or not! Remember that although it may seem that surgical methods would achieve faster results, the final outcome usually takes months which you can still be able to invest in some natural remedies.
For those of the readers below the age of 45 and are losing a lot of hair, consulting a dermatologist for hair fall solutions in Dubai is a good option at this age because treatment is easier and far more convenient for you the earlier you start.
Try these methods as you sit at home, in the following excerpts we shall explain how they are able to do that.
Amla is a super fruit which means it holds immense nutritional value and is widely used as a herbal/natural remedy for Vitamin C deficiency. That deficiency is what contributes to majorly unhealthy hair and hair fall. Other powerful ingredients include essential oils, trace elements, antioxidants, and nourishment to the skin and scalp. You can not only eat amla in the form of jam, pickle, or fruit smoothies but you can be able to apply it to your scalp for added results.
A renowned method is to extract the amla juice and you can be able to mix that with amla powder – which is derived from certain parts of the fruit – to create a healthy mix for your scalp. Expect to see initial results within a month.
Coconut oil is a widely popular topical agent for hair fall and improved hair health. The wide majority of south Asians use coconut oil to improve the shine, strength, and density of their locks. Because of its extreme benefits for hair, it is preferred to buy natural unrefined coconut oil for best results. Adding coconut (fresh or dried) to your diet means necessary fats, minerals, and vitamins are being circulated through your blood to where they are needed most ultimately strengthening your hair and preventing it from failing easily or quickly. This is even a great remedy for dandruff and dry hair which is mostly worsened hair fall.
Applying pure-grade coconut oil to the hair is the original remedy and you can be able to squeeze out your own coconut oil from the fresh fruit through various DIY methods. Go creative on the coconut milk and you can be able to see visible results within two weeks.
Eggs are battery packs in terms of dietary benefit. The same can be said for their superficial properties. High in protein, healthy fat, and vitamins, the powerful egg has all the ingredients needed for life – literally! People would say that eggs in their hair make them feel repulsed or the smell does not leave the hair, but for what an egg mix can do to your head that much is worth it. Trace metals and minerals such as potassium, iron, iodine (non-metal), and zinc are responsible for the color and fitness of your hair; make sure you give your locks enough.
The popular methodology makes use of the egg whites mixed with olive oil (coconut oil would do too) thoroughly with the aid of a mixture. Apply amply to your hair and massage into the scalp. Remember that this method is best for when you are right about to shower. Keep the mix in your hair for a maximum of twenty minutes before taking a shower and washing your hair with a mild shampoo. Try to avoid conditioner since a lot of them are menthol-based these days and can have an opposite effect on your hair. You can combine yogurt to your egg mix or milk or even aloe vera. Bear in mind that the smell might be too strong for you and aloe vera work son certain hair types.
Another super herb from Asia and Africa, this herb can be grown anywhere in the world and is used for a variety of cosmetic remedies in lesser developed countries. The herb can be powdered and turned into a paste to be sued for its beautiful dark colors. This makes it a great hair dye as well! What people don’t understand is the fact that it is a remarkable hair tonic as well.
You can find a variety of recipes used to enhance various problems related to this herb. But what you can try right now is mixing powdered henna leaves with mustard oil and then boiling the mixture. Once cooled down the mixture can be slightly diluted and proceed to apply it to your hair and scalp. IN successful cases, the patients were left with flowing rich brown locks thanks to this herb’s remedial powers.
If home remedies are not your thing or you have tried them, there is always the free consultation option you can avail to get expert advice and information on cosmetic hair treatments for hair loss in Dubai.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
May 22, 2018
October 23, 2018
June 27, 2018