10 Powerful Tips to Treat Hair Loss At Home
March 6, 2017
We all love to make different hairstyles and to groom ourselves. But you know due to mishandling of wet hair we can damage it. Hair loss is a curse and almost everyone is suffering from it.
If you don’t want hair loss to be the reason of your stress, low self-esteem, confidence, and depression. Then you have to take some precautions before it’s too late, like eating healthy foods, proper handling of wet hair, drinking plenty of water every day to hydrate your body including your hair etc.
If you are experiencing hair loss then you don’t have to worry now because there are plenty of hair loss tips, cures, therapies and solutions which are now available. But only a few are safe, effective and can show better results.
When you start noticing hair on your pillow, shower drain, on the comb or on the floor then it’s a situation to be worried about and could be the early signs of your hair loss.
There could be many factors which could contribute in causing hair loss, including:
And if you start taking stress due to your hair loss then it only makes your situation worse. So instead of taking tension and stress, it’s better if you follow these 3 Steps When You First Notice Hair Loss.
The first step, when you observe the early signs of your hair loss then arrange an appointment with the trichologist at Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic. He will examine your scalp very carefully and then will tell you the cause of your hair loss. And will recommend you to get a suitable treatment according to the severity of your hair loss.
Because the sooner you start hair loss treatment the easier it will be to restore hair follicles with the noninvasive therapies including Minoxidil or low-level laser therapy caps.
After consulting the trichologist, you will be able to know the type of your hair loss. Because there are some known types of hair loss which include:
The trichologist will evaluate your hair loss treatment options according to the severity of your hair loss. If the severity of your hair loss is low then he may recommend you to use certain medications. But if the severity of your hair loss is high then he may recommend you to get a laser hair comb for hair loss from Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic.
Well, the trichologist will brief you the pre-surgical care instructions. And if you follow his instructions then you will be able to have expected results in short span of time.
Also, follow these simple tips and tricks to control your hair loss:
If you will follow these tips and tricks then you will be able to control further hair loss. You also have to adopt a healthy lifestyle and have to quit bad habits like sleeping late at night, crash dieting, skipping meals etc.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
March 6, 2017
April 20, 2018
May 18, 2015