5 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Hair
February 5, 2016
What it takes to clone a hair? How much technology and resources are required? Hair cloning in Dubai and all around the world is the current craze. Plainly, hair cloning is the scientists dream that is about to be true. Scientists around the world are vowing to perform hair cloning as the latest cure for baldness within a year or so.
The idea behind hair cloning
Hair cloning also known as hair multiplication is a new technique which is under development for hair loss. The basic idea behind hair cloning is follicle cells from the subject (person who wants to get hair cloning) from the donor areas (areas not suffering from hair loss). They can be multiplied using various complex scientific methods. Later, newly produced cells can be put back into scalp where they grow hair normally. This technique is not in practice currently but will soon be on the surface. This will completely change the face of hair industry.
The science behind hair cloning
Hair follicle is formed as a result of extensive, complex evolution process that repeats itself during skin development. Our skin is composed of two fundamental parts:
Hair follicle forms a result of complex interaction. Scientists are extremely close to discover all the mechanisms behind development and cyclical cycle of hair follicle. The tremendous progress made in last years has made hair cloning more of a reality.
Principle cell types
The principle cell types that will be involved in hair cloning will be:
Understanding stem cells which are mainly responsible for hair cloning in combination with dermal cell is extremely critical. Stem cells are a part of epidermal which is responsible for producing offspring that form different cell types. Stem cells are further divided into three types including totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent stem cells. The first cells developed by an egg are termed as totipotent stem cells. They have unlimited capacity when it comes to hair cloning. Pluripotent cells cannot produce a completely new organism but can be used for cloning purpose. Multipotent cells are an adult organism which are said to have unlimited division capacities. They are perfect candidates for hair cloning.
How soon will hair cloning come to reality?
A leading expert working on hair cloning in Dubai said that hair cloning will start to function after a time period of three years. Hair cloning is at least three years away from being commercially available with all safety hazards removed. Researchers are using mice to grow hair as test subjects. Mice were able to produce results in a time period of six weeks. Mice are definitely not humans but at least they show the evidence that this hair cloning technique is possible.
Possible concerns
There are some possible concerns that might arise when it comes to hair cloning.
How will the exact positioning be determined after hair is cloned? The angle, location and growth direction…
Even after cloning and placement of hair, will hair grow a normal fashion?
Will cloned hair be of same pigmentation or will it stand out amongst normal hair.
These are the main concerns scientists have and they cannot claim anything unless this procedure is performed on an actual human being.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
February 5, 2016
September 7, 2018