Alarming Signs in Your Morning Hair Routine
June 8, 2018
Hair loss is a year round problem and almost everyone is affected by it. The high temperatures, humidity, dry weather and intense sunshine are the main factors which contribute to causing hair loss, especially in summers.
In the middle of summer, hair follicles enter into a resting or telogen phase. And almost 70% of the hair follicles enter the resting phase due to summer’s extremely hot weather. No doubt, it’s true for women because hair loss is more common in women especially in summer.
Are you struggling with hair fall especially in summers? Tired of using hair regrowth tonics but nothing seems to work out?
Victims who are suffering from the hair loss especially in summers are looking for some tips and tricks to control their hair loss. Well if you are also a victim of hair loss and agree with these questions then now you don’t have to worry about your hair loss.
Because here are the Tips on Controlling Hair Loss in the summer:
Make a habit to massage oil (coconut or almond oil) on your scalp. It will help in increasing the blood circulation and so to prevent from hair loss.
If you are suffering from hair loss then it’s better to avoid using chemical products. Instead, use natural products like coconut milk and Amla. Coconut milk is enriched with nutrients and also softens the hair. And Amla has the calming effects that also help in preventing further hair loss.
A habit of making tight up-dos like the tight ponytail, bun or braid is also a factor which causes hair loss, especially in summer. So try to make loose hairstyles.
Most people sleep with their wet hair but they don’t know the factor that wet hair is weak. So try to avoid brushing and sleeping with wet hair because if you brush or sleep with your wet hair then your hair may become rough and start to gets damage. And eventually, you will have to face hair loss.
The scalp produces an oily substance which is known as sebum. So it’s important to choose a shampoo that removes the right amount of oil. Daily shampooing isn’t a major problem but it should be mild and formulated for daily use.
It’s a bad habit to use heating tools including hair dryer, curlers, straightener etc. especially in summers. Because heating tools absorb the moisture present in the scalp and make it dry. And eventually, results in breakage of hair.
Several fruit extracts including wheat grass and Aloe Vera helps in the reduction of hair loss. Scalp becomes dry especially in summers but these two fruit extracts help to combat against hair loss.
Avoid the use of long-lasting chemical products like bleaching, color treatment etc.
A clean scalp is really important for healthy hair. But daily washing of hair can result in breakage of hair. No matter it’s winter or summer.
Combing with the right brushes is also really important. To avoid hair loss, use a wide-toothed wooden base comb.
A healthy diet can keep your hair healthy and fresh. So increase the intake of nutritious foods which contain vitamins, zinc, iron, minerals etc.
Foods which contain sufficient amount of nutrients include milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, and legumes.
Hot weather in summer causes sweat, which can damage the hair and weaken the body. So to avoid this from happening, try to increase the intake of liquids like shakes, juices etc.
In summers, make a habit of drinking plenty of water. Doctors suggest drinking at least 5-6 bottles of water every day. Water helps to keep the hair follicles moist and flexible.
If you are using certain medications for your hair loss then avoid the use of multiple hair loss treatments. It can cause the hair to become weak and brittle.
Trim your hair on a monthly basis, at least once every 2-3 months. It not only helps in the growth of layers but also it ensures that the hair remains healthy and doesn’t become prone to split ends. Because split ends is also a factor in causing hair loss.
Protect your hair from the direct sunlight. So wear a hat or a helmet while going out. UV rays can also lead to hair loss.
Hair needs proper care, especially in summers. So follow these tips and tricks to help minimize hair loss.
If you are still not satisfied by following the above-mentioned hair loss tips and tricks. Then it’s always a good idea to get a specialist help.
For that, arrange an appointment with the Trichologist at the Hair Transplant Centre. He will examine your scalp and afterward will evaluate your hair loss treatment options.
If you are suffering from the low severity of hair loss then he may recommend you to use certain medications. But if you are experiencing high severity hair loss then he may recommend you to get a suitable treatment or to get a hair loss treatment in Abu Dhabi from Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
June 8, 2018
November 12, 2018
October 11, 2018