Link between Dandruff & Hair Loss
May 24, 2019
Hair loss is one of the biggest concerns for people of all genders, ages, races and ethnicities. Though men, women and children, all are afflicted by hair loss, the former are most susceptible to this condition. Though there is no guaranteed solution for genetic hair loss, the one caused by factors within your control can be effectively stopped and reversed by following simple tips and tricks.
If you are also being bothered by localized hair loss or diffused hair thinning, here are seven steps that can help you control and even stop hair falling out.
Take care of your hair
Through proper hair care you can significantly you can do to stop and reverse hair thinning. Avoid frequent use of hair dryers as subjecting hair to constant heating frequently can damage their roots, causing them to shed over time. Also slow down on hair dyeing, giving your hair a break of at least 6 to 8 weeks between two dyes.
Be careful how you style your hair
Hair styles that require pulling hair tightly and tying them in clips and ponies should be avoided. As these hair styles, if done on daily basis, can cause hair loss a condition medically known as “traction alopecia”. Use of heated rollers can also cause you to lose a lot hair. Similarly styling hair constantly in one direction for long also makes you susceptible to localized hair loss.
Wash your hair regularly
Not washing the hair regularly can also cause you to lose more hair than normal. When you wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo, it keeps your scalp clean, thus minimizing chances of any infection. Furthermore, shampooed hair gives an impression of more volume than dirty, oily, clammy hair. However, after washing hair, avoid rubbing your scalp vigorously with towel as well as brushing wet hair.
Eat healthy
The best way to reverse hair loss is to eat healthy. Make sure your diet contains all the nutrients essential for hair growth, including Iron, Protein, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids and Zinc. Avoid foods that inhibit hair growth, such as low calorie liquid diets and raw eggs.
Deal with the stress
Stress and anxiety is probably the most common cause of hair loss. Stress takes toll on your entire body including your skin and hair. Losing hair can be one of the initial signals that you are physically or mentally stressed out. Have a look at your daily routine and try to fix the problems.
Take proper sleep
Lack of adequate sleep not only leads to dull and rough skin but also costs you a significant amount of your hairs. If your sleep pattern is disturbed, expect to experience hair shedding. And if you don’t want to lose hair then make sure you get at least 8-hour sound sleep at night.
Understand the reason behind your hair loss
There are numerous factors that can cause you to lose hair, including diet, medications, stress, anxiety, lack of proper sleep and heredity. Wearing caps or helmets for extended periods or styling your hair in a particular direction for quite long can also cause you to lose hair in specific areas. Figure out the exact cause of your loss as this will help you decide the best course of treatment.
Hair loss caused by all of the above stated factors, expect heredity, can be substantially stopped and reversed with simple lifestyle changes stated above. However, heredity hair loss or caused by another medical condition like androgenic alopecia or alopecia areata are hard to reverse. Such type of hair loss needs special treatments, like Hair Transplant Surgery.
Free Consultation
If you are interested in Hair Transplant Surgery, contact Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic now and you would not be disappointed. We have a team of highly skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons with several years of experience of hair transplant surgeries. We also offer free online consultations for our prospective candidates. To make a free consultation or book an appointment now, click here.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
May 24, 2019
August 3, 2018
December 26, 2016