Mesotherapy: An Innovative Treatment for Hair Loss
May 29, 2018
We underestimate the health of our hair. Most of us assume that our full head of hair will stay with us forever until hair loss hits us. Most people go through hair loss in their lives which can be either temporary or permanent.
Many hair loss treatments have been designed like homeopathic pills, scalp injections, allopathic tablets, hair loss products and home remedies to help in controlling hair loss but these cause side effects and can endanger your health.
Hair Transplant procedures especially, FUE hair transplant is the most common, permanent and effective hair loss treatment of all time,
Regardless of gender, hair transplant procedure is appropriate for everybody as a forever treatment for his or her hair loss. But there are some prejudices about hair transplant which aren’t true at all.
Being a sufferer of hair loss, you might have rejected the idea of opting a FUE hair transplant surgery, due to following 05 Common Prejudices:
If you get a FUE hair transplant from the proficient and talented hair transplant surgeon then you will be able to get unmistakable and permanent hair transplant results.
So it’s just a Prejudice that a hair transplant procedure isn’t a permanent hair loss treatment. You will just have to experience a cycle of shedding hair just after opting a FUE hair transplant. That’s a natural phenomenon but otherwise, you won’t lose your transplanted hair for a lifetime.
If you opt a FUE hair transplant surgery from the hair transplant clinic then your hair transplant procedure will be painless.
Because the hair transplant surgeon at the hair transplant clinic first administers the local anesthesia at your recipient and donor regions for the painless hair transplant surgery.
Well, it’s strictly forbidden to use somebody else hair during the FUE hair transplant procedure. If you have a healthy scalp and have plenty of donor hair supply then you are your own donor.
It’s almost impossible to distinguish your natural and transplanted hair. Only if, you get a FUE hair transplant procedure from the experienced hair transplant surgeons of the hair transplant clinic, only then you will be able to acquire natural-looking results.
It only requires some pre and post-surgical care instructions, like:
You just have to follow above-mentioned pre and post-surgical care instructions of a FUE hair transplant for a couple of weeks according to the recommendation of the hair transplant surgeon.
Undergoing from hair loss, hair thinning or baldness isn’t a bad thing but ignoring it is self-destructive, physically and emotionally too.
If you have noticed the early symptoms of your hair loss then instead of ignoring them, consult a hair transplant surgeon at Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic.
The hair transplant surgeon will examine your scalp including your donor and recipient regions. And then the hair transplant surgeon may recommend you to get a FUE hair transplant in Dubai from Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic. Because it’s most recommended and safest hair loss treatment, as compared to the out-dated hair loss treatments.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
May 29, 2018
June 17, 2016
June 29, 2018