3 Steps to Take When You First Notice Hair Loss
August 23, 2017
Hair loss can be frustrating, dis-hearting and surprising. According to American hair loss association, there is an increasing number of hair loss sufferers around the world from last few years. More than 35 percent of women witness hair loss or hair thinning issues while they reach the age of 40 and about more than 50% of men suffer from hair loss concerns reaching the same age.
Although losing 80-100 strands of is perfectly normal as it is the part of a natural growth cycle of hair, in which a hair stays in the growth phase for years before falling out. In this ways, the older hair is replaced by the fresh and healthy strand. Therefore, normal hair shedding does not disturb the density of hair.
However, if you are losing more than usual hairs a day, it is the time you should start taking it seriously, as there can be a formalized hair loss condition that causing you to lose an unusual amount of hairs.
A sudden hair loss can either come from a formalized hair loss condition or a traumatic or stressful event. There are numerous triggers that can lead up to cause a dramatic sudden hair loss condition. Some of the causes include Telogen Effluvium, hormonal imbalance, thyroid gland problems, lupus, stress, and dietary deficiencies.
Telogen effluvium is a sudden hair loss condition that can happen to any men and women of any age. Such a hair loss condition is reversible and happens in a generalized form after a significant event of stress.
Telogen effluvium normally occurs after 3-4 weeks of a stressful event. This is because a stressful event puts more than usual number of hairs into the Telogen or shedding phase, which causes them to fall in a matter of weeks.
The most significant stressful events that lead to Telogen effluvium include accident, trauma, surgery and other medical illnesses. Excessive emotional stress can also lead to Telogen effluvium. Some other causes of Telogen effluvium include dietary deficiencies, taking medication and birth control pills.
Telogen effluvium is not a chronic or genetics hair loss condition so that it can be reversed by undergoing some effective treatments. In mild cases of Telogen effluvium conditions, hair may regrow by itself by just adopting a good dieting and hair caring routine. However, in the severe cases, you may need to undergo a proper treatment for that.
To treat any of the hair loss condition, it is required to deal with the triggers of that condition first. In the case of Telogen Effluvium, medical illnesses, dietary deficiencies, and others triggers can be resolved by undergoing hair restoration treatment.
Platelet-rich plasma, a non-invasive hair loss therapy is an optimal remedy for all sort of Telogen effluvium conditions. This non-surgical therapy can also be used as a supportive treatment with a hair transplant procedure in order to boost up the outcomes of a hair transplant.
If you are experiencing sudden hair loss and not sure about the treatments that can be effective for your particular condition, you need to consider consulting a specialist in your vicinity, who would tell you better about your condition and its possible remedies. You can avail a FREE consultation at Hair Transplant Dubai clinic by just filling in the form below.
Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.
August 23, 2017
November 22, 2019
July 14, 2015